#it's a canon ship and another wlw ship
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neve-gallus-girl-detective · 11 months ago
I love that my most controversial opinions are Willifer and Jormily /gen
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avichor · 2 months ago
i love watching a show about death and trauma and the dehumanization of people by the top 1% just to see endless posts about ships
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fraudulent-cheese · 1 year ago
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rabnerd28 · 2 months ago
Listened to the latest WCD episode and I had to turn it off. Like, am I technically making myself upset, yeah. But it's like, actually making me think about how much I don't like that apparently a thing was happening, and there's less of an open interpretation now, among other things.
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rwby-confess · 8 months ago
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Confession #118
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oakwolves · 5 months ago
Katherine is doing a play and I’ve gotten to the part where Mia pretends to be a guy to ask Katherine out (to help her learn to say no, of course) and the whole thing is sooo… alright man just outright say you love her atp 🏳️‍🌈
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kravchikfreak · 2 years ago
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i bet you know how these two pairs are the same one ship
and i FUCKING HATE them both for that
shit's gross, i'm actually anwell
i'll rant on my stupid tags but this is important
#i'm bi and i hate all of this shit#cazzie#madlyn#well okay to be fair i don't hate the first one#but ONLY cause i shipped them long before they turned out the way they did#but i HATE IT when they take “straight” girl in “straight” (and in both instances in actually decent) relationship#and make them “bi” just so they can legally push them into lesbian relationship#FFS#and once again it's kinda okay with cazzie cause they were like legit friends with legit development and all#and writers only made casey an asshole in order for wlw ship to happen instead o ongoing wlm one#but with ash and maddox they made two inocent boys to be fucking assholes just so “bi” girl could be legal lesbian?#i'm sick of this gross fucking trope it's so shit and everyone who use them is shit too#also making one bi character an actual cheater and another bi character almost a cheater???? out of the only two confirmed bisexuals#WOW just wow#and they both cheating and almost cheating with the sex opposite to their actual significan other's sex? REALLY?????#p.s. i don't hate madlyn per say it's okay as a ship and all go queen all that#but the way they were inserted in canon is outraging that's it#same goes for cazzie#i was shipping them from like their start and ypu know the feeling when you actually see your ship having canon feelings?#well for me it wasn't all that fun cause i knew THE PRICE#and i will never forgive writers for how shitty they made me feel about my beloved ship becoming an actual canon
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konoharfts · 1 month ago
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I’m here to spread my wlw SasuSaku agenda >:) Take these quick lil doodles! (closeups and yapping under the cut)
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I don’t even ship regular SasuSaku that much, but toxic wlw SasuSaku? Absolutely.
Like, imagine they had the same homosexual tension that Sasuke has with Naruto. As an example, the second image there is my own take on that one shippuden scene where they see Sasuke again for the first time and he and Naruto have a *moment* but what if it was sakura getting her highly homoerotic moment?
Like I’m thinking from the start the dynamic is COMPLETELY different. Sakura would be socialized to see Sasuke (the most conventionally attractive according to canon) as competition, but then she’d see the darkness in her and get the urge to take care of her like a lost kitten and UGHHHH
And Sasuke would be locked in with revenge she would just see Sakura as an immature annoyance. She doesn’t engage with the “rivalry” she fully believes she’s better. But she’s also secretly insanely jealous because Sakura is everything that was taken from Sasuke (bright, innocent, like a spring breeze, has friends and parents…) so she tries to fully ignore her. Like, will NOT acknowledge her existence. And Sakura whenever she tries to extend the olive branch will get lethal cold shoulder, so she just stops trying and gets even pettier.
All the while they’re developing feelings for each other. Sakura wonders why it hurst so much to see her #1 op walking into the the abandoned compound alone.. Sasuke wonders why her heart squeezes when Sakura laughs, she thinks it must be due to hatred but no bb girl you’re just gay.
(Cue loathing from Wicked)
When they get put on a team together Sasuke can’t avoid Sakura anymore so she switches it up and becomes bratty. LOVES getting a rise out of her (totally not because she finds it cute when she gets all red up and her cheeks puff up nonono) and Sakura takes the bait EVERY. TIME.
Sakura struggles to get along with Sasuke the whole time. Sasuke constantly teases her about being a “deadweight” paper ninja (never calls her weak tho) and it really gets to Sakura. They used to be evenly matched at the academy (in terms of academics) but now she’s suddenly so far behind. She sees Sasuke kicking ass and she burns. To her, Sasuke is everything she is not, and can never be.
But like every time plot would happen they’d always have each other’s backs. They both trust each other and rely on each other and they know so so much about one another from CONSTANTLY watching each other (Sakura seeing Sasuke as her goal, Sasuke seeing Sakura as the ghost of what could have been :( )
They eventually do become friends. Sakura still wants save Sasuke from herself and Sasuke almost wants to let her.
And when Sasuke leaves Sakura is DEVESTATED. Sees it as a personal failing that she wasn’t strong enough to get her back. (Cue training montage)
And in shippuden Sasuke would still tease Sakura and they would fall back into their banter and UGHH
They are NOT good together and it IS a disaster but that’s what makes it so fun <3
I love SakuIno as well, but they already resolved their issues. I need girlfriends that TRY TO KILL EACHOTHER in a gay way <33
I just think they want to tear each other apart <3
Sorry for yapping but DO YOU SEE THE VISION????
Anyway if anyone read all of that I love you <<333
Okay thanks for witnessing my mental illness byee~~~
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ledgersmountain · 1 year ago
“oh but she likes him-” she doesn’t, she’s literally married and doesn’t give a fuck to price romantically, she doesn’t flirt in the game BECAUSE SHE LOVES HER WIFE.
shipping her with a man while she’s canonically married to a WOMAN only invalidates wlw women.
“i smoke, my wife hates it”
amazing how always woman who are dating or married with another woman is invalidated, is always shipped with a man, this is tiring.
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emiliaisis · 4 days ago
Kind of unpopular opinion, many might disagree but
I don't think people would like canon caitvi if it was a straight relationship.
"That's not true! Straight ships are still more loved than wlw ships!"
While yes that is true a lot of people nowadays (especially people that went through wattpad phases or people that had to deal with the insanity that some romance animes were, me one of those people) fixate a lot on how healthy canon relationships are.
And Caitvi...
Let me just change Caitlyn for an unnamed man so you can see my point.
-If a man who is also a cop hitted his girlfriend with a rifle in a very calculated way right in a spot where he knows it would hurt more, then just abandoned her crying of pain you would obviously call this abusive.
-If a man was esssentially a dictador who opresses the specific group of people his now ex is part of, even doing stuff like mass incarcerations that actually include children and the few leaders that this opressed group has, you would obviously not root for them to get back together.
-If this man used another girl just as a rebound even if for just a small amount of time you would obviously judge him.
-If this man and his ex found themselves in a jail cell (place that should be traumatic for his ex, mind you) and then he just started flirting and started to have sex with her AND THE ONLY THING HE APOLOGIZES FOR IS HAVING USED ANOTHER GIRL WHILE THEY WERENT TOGETHER, NOT THE PHYSICAL ABUSE, NOT THE POLICE BRUTALITY JUST THE FUCKING REBOUND anyone with common sense would obviously not be happy about this.
Of course i know there will be many saying "B-But you're taking out of context many of Caitlyn actions!" My answer will be NO.
In no context is acceptable to (in a very calculated way) hit your partner in a place where you know for a fact it will hurt more (because if you didn't know rifles actually hurt more than you actually think). In no context is acceptable to commit police brutality and put children in jail and in no context is sex a proper apology.
If Caitlyn's actions look even worse in raw words without cute animation or banger songs and replaced by a man, it's very obvious that Caitlyn is the actual problem.
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Have You Seen This Queer TV Show?
So I was inspired by blogs like @haveyouseenthisqueerfilm and @haveyouseenthisseries-poll to make a blog focusing on queer television shows and finding out how much of tumblr has seen them!
What counts as a tv show?
Fictional narrative, live action or animated, released in episodes (at least two separate parts)
What counts as queer?
Any show that features prominent characters that are CANONICALLY queer
Subtext is allowed IF AND ONLY IF it is either based on another piece of work that is canonically queer OR the creators of the show intended it to be seen as queer. More leniency in this regard will be given to shows made in countries or time periods where explicit queer content was banned or heavily discriminated against
The specific queer identities I listed in the form are: MLM, WLW, Trans, Nonbinary, Intersex, Polyamory, Asexual, and Aromantic. There is also an "Other" button so you can add anything I missed. If there turns out to be a common one I didn't include, I'll add it! ALSO the reason why I used "MLM" and "WLW" instead of gay/bi/lesbian is I know there are lots of shows that don't specify a character's specific orientation. Also it's for ease of tagging and other things on my end. Feel free to elaborate more in the form! There's a place for that!
It'll be open indefinitely!
Tags for reach:
@who-do-i-know-this-man-s4 @who-do-i-know-this-man @fandom-march-madness @variouspolltournaments @its-to-the-death @fictional-twink-bracket @fictional-gods-tournament @pennysperfectpolls @aretheybisexual @are-they-gender-fluid @aretheyqueer @do-you-ship-it-polls @tournament-announcer @bl-bracket
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qu0rky · 2 months ago
Just saw the stupidest argument on tiktok and felt the need to rant about it.
Why does it matter so much if i ship Jayvik and ship Mel with another woman??? You claim that i’m being misogynistic, but have you considered that i just don’t like straight ships and am a lesbian??
Sure, i don’t like Mel nearly as much as i like Viktor, and she’s about the same level as Jayce for me, but i don’t give a genuine fuck who you ship her with, because at the end of the day these are fictional characters and everyone’s allowed to have opinions about them.
“female characters always get sidetracked and shipped with characters they never met just so they don’t get in the way of the gay ship” Do you understand, genuinely, how shipping works? If i ship a couple, ANY couple, i don’t want ANYONE to get in the middle of that, fucking duh. Especially when it comes to otps. If you’re that pissed off about it, you’re in luck! Because most of the time, these mlm ships that are super popular aren’t even canon. Have fun!
And by trying to have this weird moral high ground, you’re completely disregarding the fact that rare pairs (or even popular wlw ships) are very much real and not just shipped out of convenience or spite, but because people like the possible dynamic, and exploring new things with hot characters.
Same thing for Bkdk and Togachako, personally i don’t even ship Bkdk (Kiribaku ftw) but if you actually think people only ship Togachako so Uraraka doesn’t get in the way of Bkdk, i’m sorry but you’re an idiot. People HAVE been shipping her and Toga. There’s tons of content for them. It’s one of the most loved ships and it absolutely stands on its own. Don’t piss me off.
It’s fine to want nuance in fandom discussions, but sometimes you read too much into things, sometimes fandoms just do things because they can, because it’s a fandom space, and it shouldn’t be limited.
It is so easy to curate your own fandom experience, the block button is right there!! Use it instead of starting arguments for no reason.
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angelicassassinations · 4 months ago
Why do lesbians always get some of the WORST representation of almost all the sexualities?
Like, the first lesbians I think of in media I've watched are Tenko Chabashira, from Danganronpa V3, Killing Harmony (Not canon confirmed, but heavily implied), Vaggie, from Hazbin Hotel, and Catra, from She-Ra, Princesses of Power. And all three of them, are really shitty representation.
Tenko is very sexist towards men, constantly calling them degenerate males, discriminating against them (calling them all perverted, evil, etc), and quite literally, abusive (verbally).
This is a very tired, and harmful lesbian stereotype, where a lesbian is 'only attracted to women because of her distaste towards men.' She's also just... Really damn gross towards the female cast, especially Himiko. Like, she's literally obsessed. Don't believe me? Play the game yourself, or watch a playthrough. Himiko is very obviously uncomfortable with Tenko goddamn stalking her, in the first chapter. It's also mildly infuriating how in the second chapter, Tenko repeatedly talks badly about Angie (Himiko's friend), saying she's (A) manipulating her (H), and all sorts of other stuff. And the Himiko growing to like Tenko thing just seems very clunky and forced. Like... I get that Tenko didn't live long, so there wasn't enough time for them to play it naturally, but it always came off as too soon for me? That's just my opinion though.
Vaggie is another harmful stereotype, for lesbians, and people in relationships in general. She's kind of similar to Tenko, in which she's extremely feisty towards men, and women. Just very aggressive in general (Which is also a harmful Hispanic stereotype, so.. triple threat/neg)
But.. that's basically it. I'm not saying that's the only thing wrong with her, I'm saying that's basically all of her character. She's a butch, warrior woman who's constantly angry and aggressive. She's, quite literally, NOTHING without her girlfriend, Charlie. She has no real likes, nor interests, her 'major plot twist' only affects her and Charlie, so it's not really impactful. She's just there to be Charlie's girlfriend, nothing else. Even during 'her song', it's just about fighting for what she loves, her girlfriend. Not fighting against the very people who betrayed her, who kill hundreds, of not millions of demons every day. Nope! Fight for your girlfriend! It's just aggravating.
Catra is literally abusive towards Adora. She made it her ENTIRE lifes purpose, just to get back at Adora. Now, excuse me for possibly being inaccurate, but I stopped watching SRPOP at around the beginning of season three. But Catra has (according to research);
Went out of her way to keep a cycle of abuse spinning around
Beaten Adora up (multiple times!?!?)
Murdered Adora's best friends mother
Trying to force Adora to meet her needs and expectations regardless of Adora’s owns
Similar to Vaggie, bases her ENTIRE existence on Adora.
And DO NOT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE FACT THAT THEY ARE DAMN SIBLINGS (Both consider Shadow Weaver their mother, were raised together, are literally called siblings in canon posts. Just because they aren't blood, doesn't mean they aren't family)
Not gonna mention Amity Blight (The Owl House). Just too tired rn
TLDR: Stop making all lesbian/WLW ships toxic. I beg of you
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person25 · 2 months ago
Organizing my thoughts/feelings towards Naruto ships and my thoughts/feelings on it (also disclaimer I can’t outright hate any ship, I can always get why people ship it so no bashing in this!)
Let’s start with Canon(if one’s not here then I have zero opinion on it):
ShikaTema: They’re widely liked among the fandom. I don’t hate them. They’re cute and had good development. I would never read a fic for them though so. Take that as you will.
NaruHina: Oh boy. Let’s get into this. So, the thing with them is I love that they could give each other the loving family that that never had growing up. I enjoy them as they are in canon. They’re just..not my favorite romance wise, ya know? I wouldn’t read a fic for them.
SasuSaku: Now these guys, I like these guys. I used to not like them so much but they’ve grown on me a lot. Their dynamic is good and does have development despite what others might say. I would read a fic for them.
NejiTen (they’re canon to me): They could’ve been so much more😭 The one ship with the obvious romantic tension(early on). Probably wouldn’t read a fic for them though.
Non-Canon Straight Ships:
ShikaIno: I think they could’ve grown together as people. Him getting over the sexism. Her getting over the obsession with her looks. Though, honestly, I don’t mind their canon interests it would’ve been interesting to see them together. Would read a fic if it fit specific standards.
LeeSaku: I can see why people ship them, but personally don’t like them romantically. Would not read a fic for them.
KibaHina: I like them. Misunderstanding trope would go crazy with these two. Wouldn’t read a fic but i sure as hell could write one.
NaruSaku: My loves. They could’ve been so much more😔 Though, with them, I love their dynamic in anyway shape or form so I don’t mind that they didn’t end up canon as long as they stay friends. Would read a fic for them.
Non-canon queer ships:
ObiKaka: I love them in a way that nobody else loves them. I like the idea of their og team being a love triangle in the actual way. Obito likes Rin, Rin likes Kakashi, Kakashi likes Obito. But of course, Kakashi couldn’t handle emotions bc of course. Would read a fic for them.
KakaIru: I love them in a married couple and their adopted child way. Not too crazy about them though. Would read a fic where they main pairing but would enjoy their romantic side-plot.
SakuHina: I have very complicated feelings towards this ship. So, the thing with them is I know most people only shipped them so that sasunaru’s wives were out of the way. I don’t like that. But if someone likes them for different reasons then ily. Wouldn’t read a fic for them.
SakuIno: FAV WLW SHIP😍 So much potential. Another pairing that could grow together + the comphet thing they got going on. I would read a fic for them.
ShikaNaru: Holy biscuits guys, I love them. Naruto’s first friend. The Hokage and his advisor?! I also love the idea of Chill Guy Shikamaru with the most unchill person in existence. Would read a fic for them.
SasuNaru: Very first queer ship I ever shipped (that’s crazy) back in the day. Of course I love them!! The bond they share is like no other in the show. They’re like, literally soulmates. Sun and Moon. As Sasuke said, his “ONE AND ONLY…friend!” Would read a fic for them.
MadaTobi: Oh my lord. I love them. Was very confused when i first discovered this ship. I definitely understand now. They’re so divorced in the war arc lmao. Would read a fic for them.
Team 7: As in, Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto. This is a no brainer since I love all of these ships individually. It’s very “I’m bisexual and my girl and guy crushes started dating😕” They figure it out eventually. Would read a fic for them.
Boruto ships:
InoHima: They’re cute. Love a ship where the girl is stronger than the guy. The implied future canon ships in Boruto have a lot more development earlier on than the Naruto canon ones do so i’m really enjoying it. Though, I wouldn’t read a fic for them just yet (this may change).
BoruSara: By far my favorite straight ship in all Naruto media. Way up there in all time favs. Love an Uchiha x Uzumaki ship, but honestly, I don’t ship them this crazily because they’re the next best thing behind sasunaru. They have a completely different dynamic that i love. Would read a fic for.
Holy yap bro.
Anyway, if you wanna hear my thoughts on any other ships or a more in depth breakdown of any previously mentioned just let me know!
This post was mainly just me sorting through how i felt because i’ve had some pretty complicated relationships with some of these guys.
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lucrezianoin · 2 months ago
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So one of my mutual on twitter was saying that it seems like in Western animated shows (a part from a general lack of queer romances) FF romances have higher numbers than MM. Because I wanted to check, I made a list so I thought it would be nice to share both FF and MM romances in Western animation, so people know where to find them!! (mm ships here)
These are all canon and I only added romances between main or very present secondary characters. I avoided stuff like background couples or "they gave her a girlfriend in the last episode" kind of stuff. Tho, I did not watch all these shows, so keep in my that for some of them I am using online info.
There will be SPOILERS (especially for: Did they kiss? Did they end up together?)
In order (top to bottom, left to right):
Miriam and Hira (Dragon Age Absolution): Ex-girlfriends who reconnect. Miriam is the protagonist and Hira one of the protagonists. Do they kiss? Yes. But at the end they break up but not because they are not in love with each other's, they still are very much in love (I still really enjoyed it, for the longing and the angst). Uncertain if there will be a season two that will continue their story.
Vi and Cait (Arcane): Complete show (two season). Vi and Cait are both protagonists and their relationship is the main romance of the show. They meet in season 1 and the romance progress pretty quickly. There is a break up in the middle, but it only makes the heart grow fonder! Do they kiss? Yes, they do much more. They do it all! They also have a happy ending!
Amaya and Janai (The Dragon Prince): Final season coming out soon. Amaya is one of the main characters since S1, Janai is introduced in S3 and then becomes one of the main cast. S3 is also when their romance start and when they meet. Enemies to lovers, enemies who flirt!! And then lovers! Do they kiss? Yes. They marry, in fact. Their story continues through the rest of the whole show, and all the adventures are never "Amaya vs Janai" but them working together as a couple and facing adversity. They are the second main romance of the show.
Korra and Asami (Legend of Korra): I mean, this is a classic. The romance was fought for by the creators, and the series ended with a "vague romance ending" as a form of censorship. Do they kiss? not in the show, but comics continue their story. Still, you can see their relationship progress in the show (from their first meeting to their romance ending), and I thank the comicbooks every single day or people would insist they are just friends.
Charlie and Vaggie (Hazbin Hotel): One season is out, another in the making. Charlie and Vaggie start as already in a relationship and are girlfriends since episode one. They are the main relationship in the show, and their romance is mainly about them facing adversities together (and romance troubles at one point). Do they kiss? Yes. And they sing love songs about and to each other's too.
Marceline and Bubblegum (Adventure Time): another wlw romance that was fought for and I think almost got censored! They are both part of the recurring secondary cast. I need a rewatch of this show (completed show btw) because there are so many hints when you get through the episodes knowing that Marceline and Bubblegum are having this rivals-animosity-girlfriend-flirting-breakup(they are supposedly exes!)-reconciliation romance in and off screen. Do they kiss? Yes, at the end! They do have an explicit happy ending and end up together! They are also shown happily together in the completed special sequel Adventure Time: Distant Lands.
Harley and Poison Ivy (Harley Quinn): Ongoing DC series, Harley is the protagonist and Ivy a main character. They start as friends and begin dating at the end of season 2. I have not watched the show, but I know that they are still together and they do kiss multiple times!
Adora and Catra (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power): Complete series that ends up with an explicit canon romance (and kiss!) and a happy ending! I have yet to watch it (I NEED TO), but I know that the series introduce them as childhood friends turned enemies and then has an enemies to lovers arc! Also Adora is the protagonist and Catra a main character.
Amity and Luz (The Owl House): I have not watched this, sorry! There might be other queer main ships in this show that I am not aware of. I just know that Luz is the protagonist and Amity a main character. The show is complete and they do have a happy ending. Do they kiss? Yes!
Bean and Mora (Disenchantment): Bean is the protagonist and Mora a secondary character, their relationship develops in S3 and S4 (the show is complete). I did not finish this yet, so I have yet to encounter Mora. Do they kiss? Yes. And they are also endgame!
Ruby and Sapphire (Stephen Universe): I am sorry, I know nothing about this show! I just know that are among the main characters cast, they do have a happy ending, they marry and they kiss!
Zarya and Kitty (Mysticons): Sadly, I think this ship fell to censorship. I have not watched the show, but from what I gather they were supposed to kiss (there is a cut scene with a kiss), but the show only aired a more vague ending for them. They seem to be only hinted through S1 and S2, and even if they explicitly say "I love you", most of the wiki I found calls them "childhood friends" only.
Luna and Sam (The Loud House): another show I am not familiar with, all I know is that they are canon! And Luna is a main character. I am unsure how much the show focuses on their relationship, but I know they explicitly date and then become girlfriends!
Batwoman and Renee (Batman Bad Blood): This is an animated movie with Kate (Batwoman) as the protagonist. Her and Renee do not end up together but they are on a date (explicitly a date!) at the start. Sadly I am not familiar with DC, but from what I gathered they did/do have a relationship in some comics too.
Beckett and Jennifer (Star Trek: Lower Decks): Sadly they do not have an endgame status or happy ending, and they break up in the show (but remain friends). Still, they do date (and kiss!) in at least two season.
Kelsey and Stacks (Craig of the Creek): Kelsey is a main character and Stacks seems to be a secondary character. They are both very young (9 or 10 years old!) and confirmed girlfriend, but I do not know more.
Red Action and Enid (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes): Another show I am not familiar with! What I know is that Enid is a main character and Red Action part of the main cast too. They are confirmed as girlfriend in S3, they do kiss and they are still together at the end!
Catwoman and Batwoman (Catwoman Hunted): I am cheating a bit because this is technically an anime (Japanese animation) but based on DC, so I decided to add them anyway. This is a movie. Catwoman is the protagonist and Batwoman a main character. They do seem to have a flirting relationship, there is an almost kiss, but technically only for distracting Batwoman.
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samble-moved · 1 year ago
"pmmm is yuribait"
meanwhile, pmmm:
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sorry, because i know i made a post before like "i swear lesbophobes and people who are weird about sapphics will say a wlw ship isn't canon/is bait unless you show them getting married on screen", but some of you are really proving it with calling characters who are canonically in love with one another "bait" because they don't say "we are lesbians btw".
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